Our Story


We know first - hand that it is(or should we now say was) such a common and frustrating problem for clients, brokers and lenders to find a solicitor who could actually provide independent legal advice(ILA), let alone deliver it fast and efficiently! More importantly, it’s about sourcing a solicitor who has the right expertise to be able to offer the best advice. ILA is often left to the last minute, with only days—or even hours—until completion, which leaves very little time to get this sorted.These ongoing issues in the ILA market caused delays to completions and unnecessary costs or fees(particularly on bridging facilities), with the client’s experience with the lender and broker becoming stressful and more complicated than it needed to be.


We spotted this issue and wanted to do something about it.So, we launched iLA, with a sole focus to provide this service. When creating iLA, we wanted to be agile and use leading technology for speed and efficiency.For example, to onboard clients, we use e- signatures for our terms of business and an encrypted digital identity verification tool; both can be completed in minutes. We offer same - day service and, because we are exclusively dedicated to ILA, can provide the advice within a matter of hours.We are open from 8am–8pm, seven days a week; the business is purpose - built to accommodate urgent ILA requirements.

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As the founders of iLA, we have collectively been advising on complex banking and property related legal issues for decades and, whilst we are solicitors, we have also diversified over the years and have experience brokering within the specialist lending industry. This means we have a unique insight into the requirements of funders and understand the time pressures and constraints that can sometimes arise in transactions requiring ILA.

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Our mission is to change in which Independent Legal Advice is provided – fast, efficient, and effective – and so our part to play in the wider transaction or agreement is carried out seamlessly, professionally and hassle free.

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Our team is here to make your experience with us as simple and stress-free as possible, and (dare we say it) even enjoyable. You're at the centre of every decision we make and process we create. We're here to revolutionise the way ILA is provided.

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Ask iLA today on 020 4571 9207 or request an immediate call back

Open 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week